Not All Is Lost

A gentle reminder of your worth.

Photo by Timo Vijn on Unsplash

What an incredible loss it is for someone to have let you go or pass you by.

A loss that will never be replaceable by another being.

Because you, my dear, are irreplaceable.

To lose you is to lose the glimmer of every star above.

To lose you is to lose the whistle of every bird on a warm spring day.

To lose you is to lose the cotton candy colors of a sunset sky.

You are worthy of every ounce of love on this Earth.

And just because someone was unable to love you,

Does not mean that you are unloveable.

And not only have they lost you,

They have also lost all things that were given to them by you.

So let them walk away, let them pass you by.

But don’t ever let them take anything away from you.

Your abundance, your energy, your light, your love.

All belong to you.

And anyone who has failed to see those things,

Was never deserving of them in the first place.

With love,





Emily Rose Hinz @thethoughtblossom

••• Wellness Writer \\ Healer // Creator ••• Poetry and Heartfelt Words — from the love of my soul to yours. Join me on this journey of eternal growth.